| 🎙🎙ZuluTime Episode 148 🎙🎙DIABETES SECRETS
What type of problems are created by diabetes? There are two types of complications from Diabetes; Macrovascular (Large vessels) and microvascular (Small vessel).
Microvascular complications include eyes, kidneys, bones, and nerve. Let’s First talk about Retinopathy: Diabetic Retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in the US is Retinal damage. How does this happen? Diabetes weakness the small vessels that cause the vessels to leak out blood. This blood creates damage in the retina. Kind of like water can cause damage in a computer board chip.
The leakage can be visualized with an ophthalmoscope. The scar tissue can rip the retina from its original location. The retina is the light sensitive nerve layer in the back of the eye. Bleeding and scarring leading to blindness, the laser seals the blood vessels.
There are about 10 thousand new cases by diabetic retinopathy each year. And another crazy factor to think about is the fact by retinopathy takes some time to develop. In people with type one Diabetes, it takes about 10–20 years to develop. In people with Type two Diabetes, by the time they are Diagnosed, they have been having retinopathy for about 7 years. So this is a crucial and undetected issue.
Diabetic Nephropathy is the damage that can occur in the kidneys as a result of Diabetes. The main job of the kidneys is to clean the blood. If the kidneys are not working, Toxins can accumulate and cause nausea, tiredness, loss of appetite, weight loss. If the kidney disease is left untreated, this can lead to death and it costs an estimated 30 billion dollars in 2005.
Patients that have lost all the function of the kidneys require dialysis until they get a transplant if they qualify. People that end up going into dialysis are emotionally devastated and physically taxed. Diabetic renal disease accounts for 44% of all new cases of renal disease. To stay alive they require 2–6 hours of dialysis a week unless they receive a transplant.
Diabetic Neuropathy is when there is nerve damage caused by Diabetes. 60–70% of patients with Diabetes suffer from this complication. Commonly affects the feet, in a characteristic stocking and glove distribution, Tingling numbness and pain. The symptoms are common at night. Patient’s might experience complete numbness, different vibration A loss of reflexes in the body. A loss of sensation protect us from damage, we should adjust ourselves. Severe neuropathy can result in progressive and crippling foot disease called Charcot foot. It can require amputation. Another complication that can occur is Diabetes Amyopathy, loss of function of the tight
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